Checking Google Analytics, I could see that people are clicking on these links from other websites and going to a broken link, so it would be good if we could get them redirected. I’m sure there are more from our old site, but these were in the top group.
I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to handle these 404 errors such as an intermediate page that says something like:
Thank you for visiting WSU Press. Unfortunately, the page you are looking for has moved. You will be redirected to our new web site momentarily. We apologize for any inconvenience.
And then if there's a way to at least take a stab at getting them to the correct page by reading the URL go for it and if not send them to the home page.
Note from Caryn
Checking Google Analytics, I could see that people are clicking on these links from other websites and going to a broken link, so it would be good if we could get them redirected. I’m sure there are more from our old site, but these were in the top group. redirect to: redirect to: redirect to:
I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to handle these 404 errors such as an intermediate page that says something like:
Thank you for visiting WSU Press. Unfortunately, the page you are looking for has moved. You will be redirected to our new web site momentarily. We apologize for any inconvenience.
And then if there's a way to at least take a stab at getting them to the correct page by reading the URL go for it and if not send them to the home page.
Or we could just send them to the home page.