wasiahmad / PLBART

Official code of our work, Unified Pre-training for Program Understanding and Generation [NAACL 2021].
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questions about dict.txt and data samples specify methods #45

Closed freexxxyyy closed 1 year ago

freexxxyyy commented 1 year ago
  1. which step generates the dict.txt? It seems be generated during "fairseq-preprocess", but "fairseq-preprocess" also have a parameter "--srcdict $DICT_FILE".
  2. how do you make the machine know the end of a data sample(which is a function in this case)? It seems that you use "\n", but functions also have "\n", I am confused about this.

I am new to this. Thanks.

wasiahmad commented 1 year ago
  1. Check the binarize.sh file.
  2. We do not model newline (except python, we use NEW_LINE).
  3. Study fairseq, I do not have the answer.
freexxxyyy commented 1 year ago

Thanks. But I want to know why you start from the 4th line and why you replace all numbers with 100 in

cut -f1 $SPM_VOCAB | tail -n +4 | sed "s/$/ 100/g" >$DICT_FILE

Also, I am still confused about how you split different training samples. How does the model which part belongs to one training data sample.


wasiahmad commented 1 year ago

Because first three tokens are <s> </s> and <unk> and the numbers do not matter, so I just used a constant.

We do not split training samples, they are functions. If they are lengthy (>512), we truncated them.

freexxxyyy commented 1 year ago

Thanks. But the model will think each function as one training samples? How does the model know where a function ends?

wasiahmad commented 1 year ago

In fairseq, we use </s> to indicate end-of-sequence.

freexxxyyy commented 1 year ago

where do you insert between functions to indicate the end-of-sequence? I see that you add "\n" after each function in https://github.com/wasiahmad/PLBART/blob/main/data/github/preprocessing/src/utils.py#L128
