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Proposal: Use git commit hashes as another way to specify packages #4911

Open xdoardo opened 3 weeks ago

xdoardo commented 3 weeks ago

Come up with a proposal describing every part of the interactions between frontend, cli and backend in order to be able to identify packages in the registry with git commit hashes

`wasmer run python/python:git:abcd`

syrusakbary commented 3 weeks ago

Support for package tags.

wasmer run python/python:abcd

This tags needs to be associated with a specific hash, but they are mutable (that means that a same tag can point into different hashes over time).

Push always publishes (making sure the hash is present in the registry), and optionally tags.

wasmer push
# Or
wasmer push --namespace python --name python --tag git-abc

(tag does not publish, just tags)

wasmer tag sha:1233434 --namespace python --name python --tag git-abc