wasmi-labs / wasmi

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Optimization: Special handling for common shadow stack instruction sequences #920

Open Robbepop opened 7 months ago

Robbepop commented 7 months ago

Wasm producers such as LLVM often generate Wasm code with a so-called shadow stack in order to handle parameters and return values that did not fit the Wasm function parameter and result passing model.

Common sequences include:

global.get 0
i32.const $n
local.tee $v
global.set 0


global.get 0
i32.const -$n
local.tee $v
global.set 0

as well as the counterpart

local.get $v
i32.const $n
global.set 0

Where $n denotes a positive i32 integer literal and $v denotes a local variable index. Currently Wasmi (register) translates this to roughly the following bytecode:

$r <- global.get 0
$v <- i32.sub_imm $r $n
global.set 0 $v

However, with special treatment in the Wasmi translator and introduction of new Wasmi bytecode instructions we could easily translate the entire sequences above to a single instruction.

$v <- global.0.i32.sub_assign_imm $n

It is to be expected that this optimization yields good results because:

Robbepop commented 7 months ago

Having https://github.com/paritytech/wasmi/issues/924 implemented makes this optimization simpler to implement since we no longer have to differentiate between i32.add r c and i32.sub r c variants of the above instruction sequences.