wasn-eu / CubeCell_Getting_Started

WASN LoRaWan Devices Getting Started Guide
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Heltec AB01 and Chirpstack #5

Closed rmperreault closed 3 years ago

rmperreault commented 3 years ago

Hi, i used the configurator to load the US915 Board firmware. I am also able to join Chirpstack, decode the payload and send data via MQTT. I do receive all transmission via my Kona Lite gateway but the problem starts when the transmission switches from fport 2 (AppPort) which works fine showing all data to fport 0 which still receive the transmission without errors on Chirpstack but it shows data being null (no data).
It consistently switches the port after the 4th count. How do i fix this issue - heltec firmware? Chirpstack setting? or a gateway issue?

Thanks for your assistance

wasn-eu commented 3 years ago

i cant test for other frerquencies than 868MHz here in Europe. In the 868MHz band that does not happen