waspinator / AccelStepper

Fork of AccelStepper
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added move and reset to multistepper #1

Open zybkin opened 6 years ago

zybkin commented 6 years ago

Added a function to multistepper which moves servos synchronously like moveTo, but in relative coordinates. Also added reset function to multistepper which set all steppers to zero pos.

aster94 commented 4 years ago

@waspinator please could you merge? Also if you are willing to accept PRs I will bring to multistepper other functions from Accelstepper

waspinator commented 4 years ago

@aster94 Thanks for your interest in helping out the project. The focus of this repo is to provide an easy way for Arduino IDE users to access the library. It's best to discuss feature additions in http://groups.google.com/group/accelstepper, and once they get included I will merge them here.

If you are unsuccessful in getting your changes into the original source I can consider creating a branch and adding them here.

aster94 commented 4 years ago

Hi @waspinator thanks for the fast answer, I will write in the google group proposing my changes

aster94 commented 4 years ago

@zybkin the original author is willing to implement the changes, can you confirm me that the function move() is working smootly?

zybkin commented 4 years ago

@zybkin the original author is willing to implement the changes, can you confirm me that the function move() is working smootly?

This was long ago, but afair it worked well and smooth enough.

aster94 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I hope that soon it will be inside the library