watchdogpolska / poradnia

Oprogramowanie ma na celu usprawnienie obsługi klientów Sieci Obywatelskiej Watchdog Polska oraz zwiększenie efektywności wsparcia ze strony praktykantów i ekspertów zewnętrznych. Dokonywana ma być także podstawowa analiza statystyczna pracy.
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #1021

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

These problems occurred while renovating this repository. View logs.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

.contrib/docker/Dockerfile.gulp - `node 20`
requirements/base.txt - `Django ==4.2.15` - `django-environ ==0.11.2` - `django-braces ==1.15.0` - `django-crispy-forms ==1.14.0` - `django-floppyforms ==1.9.0` - `django-model-utils ==4.5.1` - `Pillow ==10.4.0` - `sorl-thumbnail ==12.10.0` - `django-allauth ==0.61.1` - `mysqlclient ==2.2.4` - `unicode-slugify ==0.1.5` - `django-autoslug ==1.9.9` - `pytz ==2024.1` - `lxml ==5.3.0` - `cssselect ==1.2.0` - `django-guardian ==2.4.0` - `django-mailbox ==4.10.1` - `django-filter ==24.3` - `django-autocomplete-light ==3.11.0` - `django-tinymce ==3.7.1` - `icalendar ==5.0.13` - `html2text ==2024.2.26` - `pyGravatar ==0.0.6` - `sentry-sdk ==2.13.0` - `python-dateutil ==2.9.0.post0` - `django-github-revision ==0.0.3` - `zipstream-new ==1.1.8` - `django-teryt-tree ==0.18.4` - `django-mptt ==0.16.0` - `mistune ==3.0.2` - `django-rosetta ==0.10.0` - `bleach ==6.1.0`
requirements/dev.txt - `Sphinx ==8.0.2` - `django-debug-toolbar ==4.3.0` - `django-extensions ==3.2.3` - `graphviz ==0.20.3` - `factory-boy ==3.3.1` - `django-coverage-plugin ==3.1.0` - `django-test-plus ==2.2.4` - `vcrpy ==6.0.1` - `ipdb ==0.13.13` - `pre-commit ==3.8.0`
requirements/production.txt - `gunicorn ==23.0.0` - `gevent ==24.2.1`
pip_setup - `Django >=2.2.0`

AgnieszkaZdanowicz commented 1 year ago

nie wiem, co to :)