Open wateek opened 9 years ago
Update to requirements as per Dr. Breimer's email:
Each past problem must be coded as a rich HTML document with appropriate tags. Do not just link to word documents or images of the word documents.
To earn a perfect score, you only need to code up 5 past problems. You should still create links or a navigation menu to all the past problems, but only 5 links should work. The other links can just be placeholders or they can link to pages that do not exist yet.
It doesn't matter which problems you code. Pick all the problems from one year or do one problem from each year. But, any problem you code should be linked.
Homepage that gives visitors an idea of what the programming contest is all about. (index.html) (Location of the event, date, prizes, all general info)
Past winners page that presents the top 3 teams going back to 1986. (winners.html, add pictures of nerds in background, attempt to set up like class syllabus)
Past problems page that links to several pages that show past problems. Note that there is partial data available going back to 2000. Note that each year 6-7 problems were given, so there is a lot of content to share.You can design a page for each year that is available or a page for each problem. But the pages should be linked in a logical way. (pastproblems.html , set up like image gallery note: use drop downs)
Photo gallery page that presents at least 20 photos in an organized way. (photogallery.html) A registration page that includes a form that allows schools to signup teams. (registrationpage.html : kinda done, need to complete the form )
This form does not need to work (this will be HW3), but you should use appropriate form elements. Note that you will find several registration form from past years.
A survey page that includes a form that allows participants to complete a survey. (Survey.html)
Create our own css page form scratch, can use hw2 for a base for our ideas.