waterbearlang / waterbear

Visual block syntax for programming languages
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Redraw sprite rather than clear the whole stage #1251

Closed kotarCreative closed 8 years ago

kotarCreative commented 8 years ago

This would make games less cluttered cause we wouldnt need to redraw the whole background every time we move a sprite around

CelticMinstrel commented 8 years ago

I'm not really sure if this is a good idea. In my experience working with graphics, it's normal practice to redraw the whole screen on each tick. This mainly applies to OpenGL (and maybe DirectX, not sure on that one); with older graphics libraries (SDL, QuickDraw) it was common to redraw only the portion of the screen that actually changed. Still, anyone moving on into actual graphics work will most likely be working (directly or indirectly) with either OpenGL or DirectX, so I think it might be better to follow the same pattern.