waterhackweek / whw_2020_flattenthecurve

Waterhackweek Open Source Project Experiment to Contribute to Flatten the Curve
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Experimental research data analysis: Is social distancing working? connect with UW PHI research #9

Open ChristinaB opened 4 years ago

ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

https://twitter.com/UWVirology/status/1236017803162873856 is the latest on this on flattenthecurve.com

ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

https://twitter.com/UWVirology/status/1242870337781387264 This is the latest tweet.

@UWMedicine performed 1406 tests for #SARSCoV2 #CoronavirusUSA #HCoV19 on 3/24. 10.7% positive. Efforts over the weekend seem to have worked - lots of samples are arriving today, so looks like our capacity will be fully used going forward! #WeGotThisWA


ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

Is social distancing working? https://www.aei.org/covid-2019-action-tracker/
AEI has a web app for cases by city but currently only 20 major cities. how do we make this more broadly available?

ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

These mitigation strategies have changed over time - maybe AEI has this data somewhere?

ChristinaB commented 4 years ago

They used to have numbers as of 3/17/2020