waterloo-rocketry / or-airbrake-plugin

Rocket airbrakes simulation using OpenRocket and Ansys CFD
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UI Improvements #5

Closed Joe-Joe-Joe-Joe closed 4 months ago

Joe-Joe-Joe-Joe commented 4 months ago

Currently, the plugin interface only lets you swap to and from the PID controller. The target apogee and controller gains are compile-time constants, which makes tuning them a giga pain in the ass. It would be nice to have fields for target apogee, Kp, Ti, Td, and maybe one to turn off the controller entirely.

celery6 commented 4 months ago

I'll add input boxes for pid, and target apogee.

I couldn't figure out a good way to have more than 2 modes (PID/AlwaysOn). However, can add an input for % extension in AlwaysOn mode so it can just be set to 0% to be always off.