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Water the Trees React frontend
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[Epic - List Trees on Map Feature] Tree List - Use the Tree details sidebar as a list of local trees - filter trees #453

Open ri0nardo opened 1 year ago

ri0nardo commented 1 year ago

this is a documentation thread

To see the type of trees which can focus on a general area, or a specific area (similar to Yelp). You could filter tree species you are interested, or trees in bad health etc.

For mobile, I thought of a solution to have a slide up menu come up similar to the uber driver app.



ri0nardo commented 1 year ago

found an example from google maps web app.


Daudsarfraz commented 1 year ago

Can i solve this issue? Please assign this issue to me. so i will contribute in this issue.

ri0nardo commented 1 year ago

@mwpark2014 I opened this ticket a few weeks ago. This would essentially be a search for trees which is similar to yelp and google maps. Is this what you were talking about in a different ticket? I opened it as a epic, but should I close it since its related to the search feature. Or do you want to leave it as a separate epic?

mwpark2014 commented 1 year ago

Maybe we can combine ideas @ri0nardo ? This seems very similar to the searchbar for trees, but I think the UI you had in mind is completely separate from the search bar. Maybe I'll understand it better with some more details, but from what I understand right now, the base logic of

To see the type of trees which can focus on a general area, or a specific area (similar to Yelp). You could filter tree species you are interested, or trees in bad health etc.

should be reusable. Question is will it be like yelp in allowing these "plain english" queries? or will we make that swipe up list UI component as well?

ri0nardo commented 1 year ago

should be reusable. Question is will it be like yelp in allowing these "plain english" queries? or will we make that swipe up list UI component as well?

Lets just hold off on discussing this since its way too far in the future for implementation. But lets keep this ticket alive.

zoobot commented 1 year ago

If we want more filters, we need to have the data on the vector tiles and just add mapbox filters... I think this would probably be a good first issue for someone interested in mapbox.

zoobot commented 1 year ago

Wait are you wanting something like the current filter we have for health?

ri0nardo commented 1 year ago

If we want more filters, we need to have the data on the vector tiles and just add mapbox filters... I think this would probably be a good first issue for someone interested in mapbox.

im just keeping this as a option if we want to pursue integrating the tree taxonomy search with the map. I want to focus on getting the tree taxonomy design first then consider this as a different project if there is a need for it.

I am considering the yelp design not the tree health legend.

ri0nardo commented 1 year ago

this is now a more prominent project to do as FUF has requested filters specific to their needs.

See meeting notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QenEK4ThZIQ8zLEunB6c28_4vjjNdNvaTQt05c6rnaQ/edit