watson-developer-cloud / botkit-middleware

A middleware to connect Watson Conversation Service to different chat channels using Botkit
Apache License 2.0
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How connect to whatsapp bussines #149

Closed CamiloB closed 5 years ago

CamiloB commented 5 years ago

Hi i want to connect my watson assitant to my whatsapp bussiness, can you please tell me what a i need to do im new whit this so thats why im asking to general

mitchmason commented 5 years ago

WhatsApp business for bots is still in beta, so you'll need to get into their beta program to get access to the apis, and then build the orchestration yourself similar to how any number of orchestrators work. We have written a Botkit middleware to connect to Botkit which connect to multiple channels (not WhatsApp, but maybe you can get inspiration there)

But first you need to go through whatsapps beta program.

CamiloB commented 5 years ago

Ok thanks a lot i already sing up to this program ill wait the response ill give you updates if they get me into it.

germanattanasio commented 5 years ago

@CamiloB as @mitchmason said. If botkit supports whatsapp business then we just need to update version of botkit we use here and it will be supported. It's not different than other channels like Facebook or slack for us