watson-developer-cloud / botkit-middleware

A middleware to connect Watson Conversation Service to different chat channels using Botkit
Apache License 2.0
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[Docs] What's the point of interpret() function? #58

Closed Naktibalda closed 7 years ago

Naktibalda commented 7 years ago

I read README down to the bottom for the first (or maybe second) time now.

Documentation says that interpret is somehow different from receive when it clearly is just a copy. https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/botkit-middleware/tree/master#interpret The whole section looks misleading to me. "mapping" and "triggering" is a choice of developer who integrates watson middleware to botkit. Interpret can be used as middleware, and receive can be called from controller.

I think that instead of documenting functions, it would be better to have a feature section like "Call Conversation for selected messages only", which should advice to not to register middleware and call function from controller.

germanattanasio commented 7 years ago

Can you write a PR?

Naktibalda commented 7 years ago

I updated README in #66