I am trying to deploy your example however am getting the below error when a message is sent from the UI and no response is received:
2018-07-30T14:01:42.08-0400 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]OUT "message": "{\"context\":{\"r
7.2018 18:01:41:962 UTC\",\"endTime\":\"30.07.2018 18:01:42:027 UTC\",\"elapsed
orCode\":\"BXNIM0415E\",\"errorMessage\":\"Provided API key could not be found\
I know the instructions say to add a IAM API KEY from the Assistant and Tone Analyzer services' credentials tab, however my services aren't providing a IAM API KEY just username, password and url. Is there some way to get this to run without having to provide these keys?
I am trying to deploy your example however am getting the below error when a message is sent from the UI and no response is received:
I know the instructions say to add a IAM API KEY from the Assistant and Tone Analyzer services' credentials tab, however my services aren't providing a IAM API KEY just username, password and url. Is there some way to get this to run without having to provide these keys?