watson-developer-cloud / node-red-node-watson

A collection of nodes for the IBM Watson services
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Change to IAM powered URL for services needs update to bound service check. #466

Closed prismboy closed 4 years ago

prismboy commented 4 years ago

Now SERVICE_IDENTIFER string are "text-to-speech" and "speech-to-text". But CloudFoundry binding service names are "text_to_speech" and "speech_to_text". So these nodes failed to get credentials.

chughts commented 4 years ago

This affects bound services when running in the cloud. Until rectified this will mean that new services will not be detected as connected.

The panel asking for credentials and endpoints will be shown which when completed will allow the service to be found.

chughts commented 4 years ago

The nodes actually check for the service url, so the check for text-to-speech in the url is still valid.

I am guessing that you are getting a invalid credentials error. This will be because all the services have switched off CF credentials and you will need to migrate your services and credentials to IAM.

chughts commented 4 years ago

What does appear to have changed is the structure of the URL endpoints

from https://stream.watsonplatform.net/text-to-speech/api

to https://api.us-south.text-to-speech.watson.cloud.ibm.com/instances/....

This makes the current regex search fail to find the pattern. This affects all the nodes not just STT and TTS

chughts commented 4 years ago

Fixed in 0.8.0