watson-developer-cloud / python-sdk

:snake: Client library to use the IBM Watson services in Python and available in pip as watson-developer-cloud
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Using API key does not work in Notebooks in Watson Studio or Compare and Comply. #679

Closed enebab closed 5 years ago

enebab commented 5 years ago

We have a customer using COS to store files for Watson Studio and Compare & Comply.

When an API key is specified, it cannot be found by Notebooks in Watson Studio or Compare and Comply for some reason.

They are using COS to store files for Watson Studio and Compare & Comply. This was working before but the problem started this week.

The COS location is: https://cloud.ibm.com/objectstorage/crn%3Av1%3Abluemix%3Apublic%3Acloud-object-storage%3Aglobal%3Aa%2Fc6df3028f392004f82fda21b5c188a61%3A2ee9af4c-028f-4df3-8e80-f737abb54582%3A%3A?paneId=credentials

The specific bucket is in us-south. The bucket details are: cosLocation = 's3.private.us-south.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud' bucketLocation = 'us-south' cosInputBucket = 'arvind-sathi-source-10k-data' cosOutputBucket = 'arvind-sathi-doc-decomposition'

The COS URL is: https://cloud.ibm.com/objectstorage/crn%3Av1%3Abluemix%3Apublic%3Acloud-object-storage%3Aglobal%3Aa%2Fc6df3028f392004f82fda21b5c188a61%3A2ee9af4c-028f-4df3-8e80-f737abb54582%3A%3A?paneId=endpoint

enebab commented 5 years ago

Is there an update to this issue?

The customer is getting frustrated with the lack of response

usa-at-ibm commented 5 years ago

This GitHub issue is opened due to a Sev.1 IBM ServiceNow ticket. CS0476371.

Please provide a response to the customer at the earliest.


ehdsouza commented 5 years ago

Hi, fill out the issue template to help you further, please include the code snippets:

Overview What is the issue? Be concise and clear.

Expected behavior What did you expect to happen?

Actual behavior What actually happened?

How to reproduce Help us to reproduce what you experienced. Include your code snippets (without credentials)

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

SDK Version Please provide the SDK version here.

Additional information:

Additional context Add any other details about the problem.

usa-at-ibm commented 5 years ago

@enebab ^^^

usa-at-ibm commented 5 years ago

@ehdsouza please refer to following slack discussion. https://ibm-cloudplatform.slack.com/archives/C3QSKU65U/p1564158036159300

@enebab can you please work with customer and Watson Studio Support to make progress on this issue. Thanks.

ehdsouza commented 5 years ago

Based on the error message, it looks like incorrect apikey is passed. Make sure the key exists and the initialization is correct. Here are tested examples: https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk/blob/master/examples/compare_comply_v1.py

compare_comply = CompareComplyV1(
    ## url is optional, and defaults to the URL below. Use the correct URL for your region.
    iam_apikey='YOUR APIKEY')