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Having trouble "Connecting to parent..." in intu monitor #4

Closed luthraprerna closed 7 years ago

luthraprerna commented 7 years ago

I am having trouble "Connecting to parent.." in intu monitor. It was taking way too long to connect to it. In the terminal, there were endless Websocket 'failed to connect' messages and then in the intu monitor UI, the box kept showing a spinning circle and wasn't turning green.

screen shot 2016-11-16 at 12 36 06 pm
ambidextrousTx commented 7 years ago

Hi @luthraprerna - this is a known issue with scalability in our system right now. We are working on a fix-pack that is going to resolve these kinds of connectivity issues going forward. Please watch out for our update.

hansb001 commented 7 years ago

Hi @ambidextrousTx I have the same issue, on a Mac and a Windows machine.. The parent cannot connect. When will this fix-pack be available?

ambidextrousTx commented 7 years ago

@hansb001 we have a fix in for lazily restarting the parents in the server container that we're testing right now. We have another fix going in that will do some smart cleanup of parents not being used (which can be brought back alive on demand). That and some concurrency fixes are going in and will be tested thoroughly. We hope to release the fix-pack right after the Thanksgiving break. Thank you for your patience.

gitwouter commented 7 years ago

same issue here. Also from NAO. Eager to start experimenting...

hailunw commented 7 years ago

Same issue

juanitodur commented 7 years ago

Hi, Exact same issue here! Hope the fix arrives soon! Thanks!

sanjayko commented 7 years ago

Yes, its right now going through test in staging, hoping to get green light for move tonight or tomorrow



sanjayko commented 7 years ago

The fix is in, if you still have issues please create a new organization and continue.

daonguy commented 7 years ago

I downloaded the installation version from Intu Gateway https://rg-gateway.mybluemix.net/Downloads, but I still get the same issue. Does it still have the old version? Do you know when the new version with your fix will be updated?

ambidextrousTx commented 7 years ago

@nd541 Did you create a new organization after downloading, or are you using the organization you had created earlier?

daonguy commented 7 years ago

Yes, I just created a new org and run install again, still get authorized error image

gitwouter commented 7 years ago

I believe you can ignore the LanguageTranslationV1 connection error. The code is referring to the previous version of that service and its URL has changed on Bluemix. Everything works without that service though. Do the other services work?

ambidextrousTx commented 7 years ago

@nd541 I am seeing your parent instance up and running with two children authenticated on the server container:


"children" : [ { "authenticated" : true, "selfId" : "a0acae964633be4372334f3033f9727c" }, { "authenticated" : true, "selfId" : "6fecf0c26b7b3225b8e488db53411993" } ], "name" : "CASParent", "selfId" : "62dc76e455894811e44dff50f0c6e354", "topics" : [ { "topicId" : "agent-society", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "audio-out", "type" : "audio/L16;rate=22050" }, { "topicId" : "blackboard", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "blackboard-stream", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "body", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "gesture-manager", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "graph-skills", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "log", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "sensor-manager", "type" : "application/json" }, { "topicId" : "topic-manager", "type" : "application/json" } ], "type" : "Linux" }`

It might have been a temporary network issue? Did you get it to work?

daonguy commented 7 years ago

Yes thanks. I saw all the services green, just the language translation red.

gitjps commented 7 years ago

My Intu manager is still connecting to parent: [12/21/16 22:06:12][ERRO][Request] Request Error 401: { "code": 401, "error": "Not Authorized", "description": "No credentials supplied." }

ambidextrousTx commented 7 years ago

@peterschleinitz Are you seeing something like [WebClient] WebSocket failed to connect or just that 401 that you have posted?

gitjps commented 7 years ago

@ambidextrousTx exactly: [ERRO][WebClient] Websocket failed to connect, status code 401: Not Authorized