watson-intu / self-sdk

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tone analyzer service needed? #8

Closed gitwouter closed 7 years ago

gitwouter commented 7 years ago

Do I need to create a tone analyzer service on bluemix?

cf. error [12/02/16 10:36:08][DEBM][Request] REST request https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/tone-analyzer/api/v3/tone?version=2016-05-19 completed in 0.608 seconds. Queued for 0 seconds. Status: 401. [12/02/16 10:36:08][ERRO][Request] Request Error 401: { "code": 401, "error": "Not Authorized", "description": "No credentials supplied." }

There is a similar error with an "identifiable_languages" service.

this is from Self 0.1.269 running locally on my mac

LabPM commented 7 years ago

It is not required to have tone analyzer configured. You can ignore those errors and continue to interact with Watson through Intu. If you would like to see Intu work with tone analyzer, you will need to set up Tone Analyer in Bluemix and then configure the service in the Gateway.