watterott / ATmega328PB-Testing

Atmel/Microchip ATmega328PB support for Arduino IDE
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SPI not working correctly with V1.0.9 #21

Closed Yoshi20 closed 7 years ago

Yoshi20 commented 7 years ago

Just to let you know:

I'm using Arduino 1.6.12 and I'm controlling an E-Paper-Display with SPI1. Since V1.0.9 it doesn't work any more (does nothing I guess). V1.0.8 however works fine.

I tried V1.0.9 with Arduino_1.8.2 but facing the following problem when compiling: /Applications/Arduino_1.8.2.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/avr/include/avr/sleep.h:224:6: error: #error "No SLEEP mode defined for this device."

Thanks for your great work.

awatterott commented 7 years ago

I have updated the SPI libs with v1.0.9 and I know see that there is a problem when using SPI+SPI1 together. Can you try v1.10? On the other error: Have you added/updated all files from the hardware.zip archive? It looks like there is something missing.

Yoshi20 commented 7 years ago

I now tested V1.1.0 but no improvements! Only V1.0.8 works to control the EPD with SPI1.

Concerning the second bug: I now updated the Hardware files and after adding the m328pb in the avrdude.conf-file (what you by the way do not mention in the installing guide) I'm now able to use the ATmega328PB boards in Arduino_1.8.2.

In the avrdude.conf-file I added on line number 8506:

part parent "m328"
    id      = "m328pb";
    desc    = "ATmega328PB";
    signature    = 0x1e 0x95 0x16;

    ocdrev              = 1;

At least in my case, the avrdude.conf-file in the tools-directory within your package seems to not be found by Arduino. (I'm using macOS Sierra)

awatterott commented 7 years ago

I made some tests and SPI and SPI1 is working for me. Does your display work with SPI?

The correct avrdude.conf with m328PB definition is included with the boards package and used for the "Atmel ATmega328PB..." boards (via boards.txt). Have you done all 3 installation steps?

Yoshi20 commented 7 years ago

Yes and Yes.

I now found the time to test the two different versions (1.1.0 and 1.0.8) and discovered which line is the problem: In V1.1.0 -> SPI1.cpp -> LineNr: 74 SPCR1 &= ~_BV(SPE); If replaced with: SPCR0 &= ~_BV(SPE); // like in V1.0.8 it works again :)

I'm looking forward to V1.1.1 or an updated V1.1.0

awatterott commented 7 years ago

The line in v1.0.8 is not correct, because it deactivates the wrong SPI interface. Have you tested your display with both SPI interfaces (SPI/SPI0 and SPI1)?

Yoshi20 commented 7 years ago

No, it is on a PCB and I can only use SPI1. I'm using the following pinout: PC1 -> SCK1 PC0 -> MISO1 PE3 -> MOSI1 PE2 -> CS1 (SS1)

If it was wrong in V1.0.8, then I wonder why it only works with this one.

awatterott commented 7 years ago

Maybe there is an error in your code. Do you use the SPI1.end() function?

Yoshi20 commented 7 years ago

You seem to be right in the end :)

I now reviewed the EPD-library I'm using and discovered, that it calls SPI1.end() way too early (after a draw and not only in the EPD.end()-function). I fixed this and it now seems to work fine with V1.1.0.

Thanks for your help.