watterott / ATmega328PB-Testing

Atmel/Microchip ATmega328PB support for Arduino IDE
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PlatformIO support #40

Open streamliner18 opened 6 years ago

streamliner18 commented 6 years ago

It'll be really great if you guys can make a platform package for PlatformIO, as the 328PB support from their official toolchain looks broken right now. Much appreciated!

SergiuToporjinschi commented 4 years ago

Ohh yes, I need this too. Would be very nice to have it in platformio... currently I have all projects on platformio and only one in arduino because of this....

SergiuToporjinschi commented 4 years ago

@streamliner18 I found it on platformio: this are the settings that worked for me [env:atm328p] framework = arduino platform = atmelavr board = ATmega328PB

; change microcontroller board_build.mcu = atmega328pb

; change MCU frequency board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L

; upload_port = COM15 monitor_speed = 19200 upload_protocol = stk500v1 upload_flags = -F -P$UPLOAD_PORT -b$UPLOAD_SPEED