Open CameronAskew opened 11 years ago
I've been experiencing the same issue. Iscroll is working fine with iscrollview plugin, but just adding pulldown/pulluphtml codes suddenly makes the whole thing unable to navigate properly. Transition becomes sluggish, and scroll unresponsive. Have you found any workaround?
Nope, I just removed it and added a refresh button in my header bar as many apps have.
I would guess the reason it's slow is because maybe for every pixel the user scrolls down, it's re-calculating where the user is scrolled to and seeing if it needs to respond. Maybe there's a way to dig into the library and optimize it and maybe there isn't - either way, I think it would take a lot of investigation to find out, so I did none.
The pull to refresh causes pages to be choppy upon scroll. Have you heard of this issue or experienced it yourself? As soon as I remove the pull to refresh html, the page scroll becomes much smoother. I was wondering if it has to do with the math behind the plugin...or maybe some issue with how I'm using's an example of one of my pages..
div data-role="page" id="requestListView" div id="requestListWrapper" data-role="content" data-position-fixed="true" data-iscroll div class="iscroll-pulldown" span class="iscroll-pull-icon"/span span class="iscroll-pull-label"/span /div ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-bind="foreach: Requests" li a data-bind="click: $root.SelectRequest" h3 data-bind="text: Name"/h3 div class="small" span class="grey" data-bind="text: Status"/span /div /a /li /ul /div /div