I am using phonegap / jquery-mobile-iscrollview / dynamic listview
After loading content through $getjson I am doing a refresh (listview and iscrollview) but the size of scrollable area fails, it's too much at the buttom and the fixed footer covers pieces of the scrollable area - is it because of jQuery.mobile.activePage? what I have to at the pageinit to calculate the scrollable area properly?
With the pageinit (forum.html) I load the content through $getjson and doing a refresh;
any ideas? the key must be in the getjson function after adding the list over the template right?
I am using phonegap / jquery-mobile-iscrollview / dynamic listview
After loading content through $getjson I am doing a refresh (listview and iscrollview) but the size of scrollable area fails, it's too much at the buttom and the fixed footer covers pieces of the scrollable area - is it because of jQuery.mobile.activePage? what I have to at the pageinit to calculate the scrollable area properly?
With the pageinit (forum.html) I load the content through $getjson and doing a refresh;
$( document ).on( "pageinit", "#forum", function( event ) { //Forum Page INIT news.setForum(); });
$.getJSON(url_forum, function(json) { $.each(json, function(key, value) {