watusi / jquery-mobile-iscrollview

JQuery Mobile widget plug-in for easy use of the iScroll javascript scroller.
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Weird height issue #151

Closed mal3k closed 9 years ago

mal3k commented 10 years ago


I am loading data asynchronously into the scroller, the first time the scroller is loaded, I call refresh but when I scroll to the bottom, I can see the content is not completely loaded and the scroller don't allow me to scroll beyond, but when I manually pull to refresh, the scroller height is adjusted correctly and I can then scroll to the complete content of the scroller. (I use only the pull down to refresh).

Is this probably a bug?

jtara commented 10 years ago

You need to call iScrollView's refresh() method or else trigger('updatelayout') on any element inside the scroller after changing any content.