Closed pcace closed 1 year ago
Hi there, maybe you can help me with this problem: i am trying to use ogre from a typescript react component, but always get this return: {"error":true,"message":"Unexpected field"} this is the component i am trying to get to work:
{"error":true,"message":"Unexpected field"}
useEffect(() => { const url = '' const sourceSrs = 'EPSG:25833' const targetSrs = 'EPSG:4326' const sourceData = ` <wfs:FeatureCollection xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:fis="" xmlns:xsi="" numberMatched="403860" numberReturned="1" timeStamp="2023-04-11T11:16:20.275" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <wfs:boundedBy> <gml:Envelope> <gml:lowerCorner>375161.4919999996 5824742.937999999</gml:lowerCorner> <gml:upperCorner>375193.1490000002 5824777.863</gml:upperCorner> </gml:Envelope> </wfs:boundedBy> <wfs:member> <fis:s_wfs_alkis gml:id="s_wfs_alkis.1"> <fis:bezeich>AX_Flurstueck</fis:bezeich> <fis:afl>603.0</fis:afl> <fis:fsko>11001000400752____</fis:fsko> <fis:zae>752</fis:zae> <fis:nen/> <fis:gmk>0010</fis:gmk> <fis:namgmk>Spandau</fis:namgmk> <fis:fln>4</fis:fln> <fis:gdz>11000005</fis:gdz> <fis:namgem>Spandau</fis:namgem> <fis:zde/> <fis:dst>1119</fis:dst> <fis:beg>2018-04-03T09:13:44</fis:beg> <fis:statusdat>2022-01-03T19:46:31</fis:statusdat> <fis:uuid>DEBE00YYCW00003I</fis:uuid> <fis:geom> <gml:MultiSurface gml:id="P1"> <gml:surfaceMember> <gml:Polygon gml:id="P2"> <gml:exterior> <gml:LinearRing> <gml:posList count="7">375179.9210000001 5824742.937999999 375161.4919999996 5824744.664999999 375164.86400000006 5824752.975 375174.38100000005 5824773.363 375176.4879999999 5824777.863 375193.1490000002 5824770.038000001 375179.9210000001 5824742.937999999</gml:posList> </gml:LinearRing> </gml:exterior> </gml:Polygon> </gml:surfaceMember> </gml:MultiSurface> </fis:geom> </fis:s_wfs_alkis> </wfs:member> </wfs:FeatureCollection> ` async function convertString() { const file = new Blob([sourceData], { type: 'application/xml' }) const data = new FormData() data.append('data', file, 'testfile.gml') const params = new URLSearchParams({ sourceSrs: sourceSrs, targetSrs: targetSrs, upload: 'testfile.gml', }) upload: 'testfile.gml', }) const request = `${url}?${params}` console.log('DEBUG REQUEST', request) const response: Response = await fetch(request, { method: 'POST', body: data, }) const queryResult = await (await response.blob()).text() setResult(queryResult) } if (!result) { convertString() } }, [bbox])
and this is how it looks looking at the result from chrome:
if you have any idea where the problem lies, it would be awesome to hear from you! Thanks a lot!
sorry... this needs to be "upload":
data.append('data', file, 'testfile.gml')
data.append('upload', file, 'testfile.gml')
Hi there, maybe you can help me with this problem: i am trying to use ogre from a typescript react component, but always get this return:
{"error":true,"message":"Unexpected field"}
this is the component i am trying to get to work:and this is how it looks looking at the result from chrome:
if you have any idea where the problem lies, it would be awesome to hear from you! Thanks a lot!