wavded / ogre

ogr2ogr geojson-focused web client
MIT License
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size limitations #21

Closed jalbertbowden closed 10 years ago

jalbertbowden commented 10 years ago

is there a size limit when converting to geojson? web client keeps spitting back geojson that is cut off...i'm assuming its because the files are too big.

just curious, tool is great. thanks for your help.

wavded commented 10 years ago

hmm interesting, i haven't ran into that problem yet, there was a 15 mb upload limit but that currently isn't enforced but may be again. however, getting geojson that is cut off is odd, is it just ending in odd places? can I get more details on the file you are converting? (e.g. how many records, format, file size?)

jalbertbowden commented 10 years ago

http://dev.bowdenweb.com/a/data/a/test/e00/tier1.e00 is what i uploaded, however i did it locally, if that matters. http://dev.bowdenweb.com/a/data/a/test/geojson/tier1.geojson is what i got back

its happened a few times, though with .shp, first time with .e00; really appreciate you taking the time, wish i had better info, but i am truly clueless here. .e00 file is 19.4 mb, so perhaps you turned it back on and forgot?

wavded commented 10 years ago

i did notice an issue with the underlying ogr2ogr library powering this web server that your test case exposed, care to try it again? I'm getting a complete GeoJSON now.

jalbertbowden commented 10 years ago

worked like a charm...thank you sir.

this client is pretty amazing. everything i found in regards to converting .e00 to .shp involved two or three steps; i'm on windoze and had complications with four separate attempts somewhere down the line.

thank you for your work and your time.