wavded / ogre

ogr2ogr geojson-focused web client
MIT License
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Checkbox to create RFC7946-compliant GeoJSON #66

Closed dericke closed 7 years ago

dericke commented 7 years ago

OGR has a layer creation option to create an RFC7946-compliant GeoJSON file. (The only difference is that RFC7946 excludes a CRS parameter in the header, and is always EPSG 4326). This is required by Mapbox for uploading GeoJSON files. Could a checkbox be added to add -lco RFC7946=YES to the ogr2ogr call? I'd suggest labelling this option as "Create Mapbox-compatible GeoJSON." It should also disable the Target SRS field when checked.


dericke commented 7 years ago

Currently working on this and will submit a pull request when done.