wavded / ogre

ogr2ogr geojson-focused web client
MIT License
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/convert endpoint broken #89

Closed macrouch closed 3 years ago

macrouch commented 3 years ago

Both on https://ogre.adc4gis.com/ and using the api call from an app returns the following 400 error when trying to use the /convert endpoint

{"error":true,"msg":"No file provided"}

abettermap commented 3 years ago

I don't know enough about the changes otherwise I'd take a stab at a PR, but I'm guessing something to do with switching to tmpdir in the recent version change: https://github.com/wavded/ogre/compare/v2.0.1...v2.1.0

macrouch commented 3 years ago

tmpdir is only used in /convertJson, that endpoint seems to be working (at least on the website), my application doesn't use that endpoint, only /convert

I've been trying to get the code running locally since I filed the issue, I finally got it running but it works locally

wavded commented 3 years ago

This may have been due to a recently server upgrade to Node 14 LTS. Do you still experience the issue now? I currently cannot duplicate so I would need more details if you still have an issue.

macrouch commented 3 years ago

I switched my local environment to node 14 lts and it still works locally, but uploading any file to https://ogre.adc4gis.com/ fails

rcr-usfs commented 3 years ago

I am still getting this error: {"error":true,"msg":"No file provided"} when using the website as well as the api call. For now, I am just using the geojson and .zip version of the shapefile provided on the website.

wavded commented 3 years ago

Was able to duplicate now and applied a fix. How does it perform now?

macrouch commented 3 years ago


Looks like connect-multiparty had an issue with Node 14 they fixed

wavded commented 3 years ago

@macrouch care to open a PR with that change?

macrouch commented 3 years ago

Already did ;)

It is also working for me with whatever change you made

wavded commented 3 years ago

Thx @macrouch for the PR and all ya'll for testing.

macrouch commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick response! Our users thank you!

rcr-usfs commented 3 years ago

Works for me now! Thank you!