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Implement algortithm by Le Ru #9

Open kostyfisik opened 4 years ago

kostyfisik commented 4 years ago

W.R.C. Somerville, B. Augui\'e, E.C. Le Ru, J, Quantitative Spectroscopy Rad. Transfer {\bf 113}(7), May 2012, 524-535 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.01.007

Walter R. C. Somerville, Baptiste Augui\'e, and Eric C. Le Ru, "Simplified expressions of the T-matrix integrals for electromagnetic scattering," Opt. Lett. {\bf 36}, 3482-3484 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.003482

kostyfisik commented 4 years ago

On Monday, February 3, 2020, 03:58:17 PM EST, Alexander Moroz wavescattering@yahoo.com wrote:

As for the plan, that was as follows:

1) zqij, i,j=1,2 should later replace qr+i*qi which enters tt-routine

2) Presently zqij are only assigned but don't go anywhere from tmatr-routine. The plan was to test them first for a sphere and small deviations from sphere shape against qr+iqi. Only if test will be successful, zqij, i,j=1,2 will take place of qr+iqi in tt-routines.

Hence if you have some spare time, you are invited to compare the results for zqij and qr+i*qi in tmatr-routine (NOT in tmatr0! - if it goes well in tmatr, the latter is going to be a routine uniting m=0 and m/=0 cases in a single routine.