waveclaw / puppet-subscription_manager

Handle Client Registration to RedHat Satellite 6 or Katello
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Configuration error in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf #78

Closed Edmilson-JR closed 5 years ago

Edmilson-JR commented 5 years ago


I'm having a problem here with the rhsm.conf file.

First, sorry for this issue. I saw a related one, but didn't find a solution there.

Also saw this in rhsm_config.rb type, but it seems not to work (at least, not for me) because the string value is always written in the file.

Changed the value manually, but the next Puppet agent's execution changed it again to false.

Notice: /Stage[main]/Subscription_manager::Config/Rhsm_config[/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf]/rhsm_full_refresh_on_yum: rhsm_full_refresh_on_yum changed false to 'false'

I've met the requirements documented at README.

Is there any dependency that I missed for it to work?


Edmilson-JR commented 5 years ago


Noticed that should be a v5.1.0 for this module - as written in forge.puppet.com - , but didn't find it here at GitHub.

It seems to solve the problem mentioned in this issue.

Could you please publish it here?

waveclaw commented 5 years ago
