waveshare / Waveshare-DSI-LCD

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Drivers not working. #24

Open RoodyPooCandyButt opened 5 months ago

RoodyPooCandyButt commented 5 months ago

I am running a Pi 4 on bookworm and the last kernel that works with any of your drivers is 6.1.21. Please release your source code so drivers can be maintained publicly and I don't have to go through hell every time apt-upgrade updates my firmware. Thanks.

Srafington commented 5 months ago

I'll second this request, I'm running Bookworm on a Pi 4 as well, but with 6.1.63. Well, I was until I attempted to update a package and ended up getting a Kernel patch to 6.1.73. Releasing the source would allow us to rebuild the ko files and device trees as needed, and would even allow Raspberry Pi to include support for your DSI displays from scratch, massively improving the user experience - For example not having to move your modifications to the config.txt file since you are inserting them in the legacy location - without the need for them to reverse engineer your drivers as they did with your 7" DSI screen. It would also bring you in to compliance with the GPL v2 license that some of your code seems to be built on, from what I've read. I can say that this experience has soured my view of Waveshare and that I'm far more likely to look for an alternative next time I need a product solution that you make, even if the quality of that alternative is lower, because while this screen is beautiful, and has a wonderful metal body to protect it and mount things to, it has been nothing short of a pain in the posterior to set up and keep running

cptkoolbeenz commented 5 months ago

Same issue. We need drivers for 6.1.73.

mfraser commented 5 months ago

Seconded the requirement for drivers for 6.1.73. Unless this method works - https://github.com/agherzan/meta-raspberrypi/issues/1211 ?

SREERAJSVT commented 1 week ago

Fix: Use older Raspberry Pi OS build due to issues with latest version

The latest version of the Raspberry Pi OS has issues. Switching to the older build "2023-12-05-raspios-bookworm-arm64.img.xz" resolves these problems. This build uses Linux kernel version 6.6.20, which has no known issues.