waveshareteam / e-Paper

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Support for EPD_7in5bc_V2 missing #115

Open dbreunig opened 3 years ago

dbreunig commented 3 years ago

The file described here to support the V2 7.5 inch red and black screen does not appear to be present any longer. Can we add it back to the library or offer an alternative?

SSYYL commented 3 years ago

Update 7.5inch_e_Paper_HAT(B) instead of 7.5inch_HD_e_Paper__HAT(B). look here: 7.5inch e-Paper(B) The code: 7in5b_V2

dbreunig commented 3 years ago

That doesn't work. Code hangs without updating.

epd7in5b_V3 works great on RPi3 and Zero.

SSYYL commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure what you mean. Please describe your problem in detail. 7.5b_V2 Code is support version V2 and V3.

dbreunig commented 3 years ago

Hi, in the current release, the python demo code (7in5b_V2) and my own code perpetually hangs on e-Paper Busy. I am having a hard time debugging this and can't get more information.