waveshareteam / e-Paper

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e-ink 2.13 V4 rotate string / landscape #310

Open BretterBote opened 8 months ago

BretterBote commented 8 months ago

Using an Arduino Uno R3 with the new demo code for the 2.13 V4 eink display. I would like to use it in landscape not portrait. How can i manipulate the frame_buffer? paint.SetRotate doesnt quite help as it seems like its still in portrait mode.

Greece2 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'd also like to use the 2"13 in horizontal / landscape mode. I did set the rotation _paint.SetRotate(ROTATE90); and swapped height/width in Paint paint(image, 64, 128); The text "e-Paper Demo" ist displayed horizontally :-) but shorted to "e-Paper" and display twice, one below the other. The text "Hello" is not displayed. I commented out the grafical parts (circles, lines, squares and image) as I only need text. Has epd.Display(image); really to be executed 8 times ?!

I really need some help here. Can't be that difficult to display text horizontally, just can't find any example or documentation.In the End I wouldlike to display 3 or four digits (0...9) in full heigt. So far, I couldn't find any font larger thant 24. But that's another problem ;-)

Here's the slightly modified code (based on epd2in13b_V4, using an AtMega328PB):

`#include <SPI.h>
#include "epd2in13b_V4.h"
//#include "imagedata.h"
#include "epdpaint.h"

#define COLORED     0
#define UNCOLORED   1
unsigned char image[4000 / 4 + 50];

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Epd epd;

  if (epd.Init() != 0) {
    Serial.print("e-Paper init failed");

  /* This clears the SRAM of the e-paper display */

      Due to RAM not enough in Arduino UNO, a frame buffer is not allowed.
      In this case, a smaller image buffer is allocated and you have to
      update a partial display several times.
      1 byte = 8 pixels, therefore you have to set 8*N pixels at a time.
  //Paint paint(image, 128, 63);    //width should be the multiple of 8
  Paint paint(image, 64, 128);   //swapped height and width for horizontal mode, width should be the multiple of 8

  Serial.print("Rotation is: ");
  Serial.println (paint.GetRotate());
  Serial.print("Rotation is now: ");
  Serial.println (paint.GetRotate());
  paint.DrawStringAt(8, 25, "e-Paper Demo", &Font24, COLORED);

  // paint.DrawRectangle(2, 2, 50, 50, COLORED);
  // paint.DrawLine(2, 2, 50, 50, COLORED);
  // paint.DrawLine(2, 50, 50, 2, COLORED);


  // paint.DrawCircle(25, 25, 20, COLORED);


  paint.DrawStringAt(8, 80, "Hello", &Font12, COLORED);

  // paint.Clear(UNCOLORED);
  // paint.DrawFilledRectangle(52, 2, 100, 50, COLORED);
  // paint.DrawLine(52, 2, 100, 50, UNCOLORED);
  // paint.DrawLine(100, 2, 52, 50, UNCOLORED);

  //paint.DrawFilledCircle(75, 25, 20, COLORED);


  /* This displays an image */
  //epd.DisplayFrame(gImage_2in13b_V4b, gImage_2in13b_V4r);

  /* Deep sleep */

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
