Open giwrgakhhs opened 1 week ago
steps: optionally, find the joint angle corresponding to the pose, select the desired pose joint angle, and record it
ros2 launch roarm_description
modify the following file "~/roarm_ws_em0/src/roarm_main/roarm_moveit/config/roarm_description.srdf", add pose after line 26,for example,
<group_state name="pose1" group="hand">
<joint name="base_link_to_link1" value="0"/>
<joint name="link1_to_link2" value="0.801"/>
<joint name="link2_to_link3" value="2.401"/>
then go to workspaces, recompile
cd ~/roarm_ws_em0/
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select roarm_moveit
ros2 launch roarm_moveit
click "Goal State" to see the newly added pose
how can i add pose on moveit 2 for roarm m2 s