Open justinlevi opened 7 years ago
$ yarn test
output below. Note, I have to visit the url provided by the command line in order to get this output. Is this how it is supposed to work?
$ browserify -t [ babelify --blacklist regenerator ] tests/*/*.js | testling -u --no-show
TAP version 13
# Edit Breakpoint Behavior
ok 1 should be equal
ok 2 should be equal
# MarkerBehavior
ok 3 should be equal
# SegmentBehavior
ok 4 should be equal
ok 5 should be equal
ok 6 should be equal
ok 7 should be equal
ok 8 should be equal
ok 9 should be equal
ok 10 should be equal
ok 11 should be equal
# TimeContextBehavior should edit shape accordingly
ok 12 should be equal
ok 13 should be equal
ok 14 should be equal
ok 15 should be equal
ok 16 should be equal
ok 17 should be equal
ok 18 should be equal
ok 19 should be equal
ok 20 should be equal
ok 21 should be equal
ok 22 should be equal
ok 23 should be equal
ok 24 should be equal
ok 25 should be equal
ok 26 should be equal
# TimeContextBehavior should edit shape accordingly v2
ok 27 should be equal
ok 28 should be equal
ok 29 should be equal
ok 30 should be equal
ok 31 should be equal
ok 32 should be equal
ok 33 should be equal
ok 34 should be equal
ok 35 should be equal
ok 36 should be equal
ok 37 should be equal
ok 38 should be equal
# TimeContextBehavior should stretch behavior correctly
ok 39 should be equal
ok 40 should be equal
ok 41 should be equal
ok 42 should be equal
ok 43 should be equal
ok 44 should be equal
ok 45 should be truthy
ok 46 should be equal
ok 47 should be equal
ok 48 should be equal
ok 49 should be truthy
# TraceBehavior
ok 50 should be equal
ok 51 should be equal
ok 52 should be equal
ok 53 should be equal
ok 54 should be equal
ok 55 should be equal
ok 56 should be equal
ok 57 should be equal
ok 58 should be equal
ok 59 should be equal
ok 60 should be equal
ok 61 should be equal
# LayerTimeContext get default values
ok 62 Default layerTimeContext startis 0 second
ok 63 Default layerTimeContext start is 10 seconds
ok 64 Default layerTimeContext offset 0 seconds
ok 65 Default stretchRatio is 1
# Layer with default params
ok 66 should be equal
ok 67 should be equal
# TimelineTimeContext get default values
ok 68 Initial offset is 0
ok 69 Initial pixelsPerSecond is 0
ok 70 Initial zoom is 1
ok 71 Initial visibleWidth is 1000 pixels
ok 72 Initial visibleDuration is 10 seconds
ok 73 Initial maintainVisibleDuration is false
# TimelineTimeContext set values
ok 74 visibleDuration is 1 second
ok 75 zoom is unchanged
ok 76 pps is unchanged
ok 77 0.5 seconds
# Timeline get default window view values over tracks
ok 78 Initial offset is 0
ok 79 Initial zoom is 1
ok 80 Initial pixelsPerSecond is 100
ok 81 Initial visibleWidth is 1000
ok 82 Initial visibleDuration is 10 seconds
# Timeline set window view values over tracks
ok 83 Offset is set to 10 seconds
ok 84 Zoom is set to 1
ok 85 pixelsPerSecond is set to 200
ok 86 visibleWidth is set to 2000
# Create a track from the timeline
ok 87 Timeline has one track
ok 88 The timeline track is the one just added
ok 89 should be equal
ok 90 should be equal
# Add a track from the timeline
ok 91 Can't add a track already added to the timeline
ok 92 Timeline has two tracks
ok 93 The timeline second track is the one just added
# Add a layer to a track from the timeline, and remove it
ok 94 should be equivalent
ok 95 The entire timeline has one, and just one layer
ok 96 The track we created contains one layer
ok 97 The track layer is the right one
ok 98 The entire timeline has no more layers
ok 99 The track we created doesn't contain any layer
ok 100 We can retrieve a track with a specific id
ok 101 We can get all the layers that belong to a certain group
ok 102 We can get all groupedLayers
ok 103 Can't add a track with a trackId already added
# TrackCollection methods
ok 104 should be equal
ok 105 should be equivalent
ok 106 update event is emitted
ok 107 update:containers event is emitted
ok 108 update:layers event is emitted
ok 109 render event is emitted
# Track - instanciation
ok 110 Default height is 100
ok 111 should be equal
ok 112 should be equal
ok 113 should be equal
ok 114 should be equal
ok 115 should be equal
ok 116 should be equal
ok 117 should be equal
ok 118 should be equal
ok 119 should be equal
ok 120 should be equal
ok 121 should be equal
ok 122 should be equal
ok 123 should be equal
ok 124 should be equal
ok 125 should be equal
ok 126 should be equal
ok 127 should be equal
ok 128 should be equal
ok 129 should be equal
ok 130 When set to 200, height is 200px
# Track - add/remove Layer
ok 131 should be equal
ok 132 should be equal
ok 133 should be equal
ok 134 should be equal
ok 135 should be equal
ok 136 should be equal
ok 137 should be equal
ok 138 should be equal
ok 139 should be equal
ok 140 should be equal
ok 141 should be equal
ok 142 should be equal
ok 143 should be equal
ok 144 should be equal
ok 145 should be equal
ok 146 should be equal
ok 147 should be equal
ok 148 should be equal
ok 149 should be equal
ok 150 should be equal
ok 151 should be equal
ok 152 should be equal
ok 153 should be equal
ok 154 should be equal
ok 155 should be equal
ok 156 should be equal
ok 157 should be equal
ok 158 should be equal
ok 159 should be equal
ok 160 should be equal
ok 161 should be equal
ok 162 should be equivalent
# Track - update container
ok 163 should be equal
ok 164 should be equal
ok 165 should be equal
# KeyBoard keydown
not ok 166 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: 'A'
actual: '\x00'
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Keyboard.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:19966:12)
at Keyboard.EventEmitter.emit (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9095:20)
at HTMLDocument.onKeyDown (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:17824:15)
at Test.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:19983:12)
at Test.bound [as _cb] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13518:10)
ok 167 should be equal
ok 168 should be equal
ok 169 should be equal
ok 170 should be equal
ok 171 should be equal
not ok 172 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: 'A'
actual: '\x00'
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Keyboard.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:19966:12)
at Keyboard.EventEmitter.emit (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9095:20)
at HTMLDocument.onKeyUp (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:17829:15)
at Test.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:19984:12)
at Test.bound [as _cb] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13518:10)
ok 173 should be equal
ok 174 should be equal
ok 175 should be equal
ok 176 should be equal
ok 177 should be equal
# Surface, default instance attributes
not ok 178 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: null
actual: undefined
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Test.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20002:10)
at Test.bound [as _cb] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13518:10)
at Test.bound [as run] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at next (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13311:15)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:10218:14)
not ok 179 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: null
actual: undefined
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Test.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20003:10)
at Test.bound [as _cb] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13518:10)
at Test.bound [as run] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at next (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13311:15)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:10218:14)
# Surface, trigger events
ok 180 should be equal
not ok 181 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: true
actual: undefined
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20023:12)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
at Surface.EventEmitter.emit (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9073:17)
at HTMLBodyElement.onMouseDown (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:17983:15)
at Test.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20058:8)
at Test.bound [as _cb] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
ok 182 should be equal
ok 183 should be equal
ok 184 should be equal
not ok 185 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: true
actual: undefined
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20037:14)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
at Surface.EventEmitter.emit (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9073:17)
at onMouseMove (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:17992:15)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20056:10)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
ok 186 should be equal
not ok 187 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: false
actual: undefined
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20049:16)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
at Surface.EventEmitter.emit (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9073:17)
at onMouseUp (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:18005:15)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20054:12)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
not ok 188 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: null
actual: undefined
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20050:16)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
at Surface.EventEmitter.emit (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9073:17)
at onMouseUp (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:18005:15)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20054:12)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
not ok 189 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: null
actual: undefined
at: Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13651:17)
stack: |-
Error: should be equal
at Test.assert [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13647:54)
at Test.bound [as _assert] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13782:10)
at Test.bound [as equal] (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:13499:32)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20051:16)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
at Surface.EventEmitter.emit (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9073:17)
at onMouseUp (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:18005:15)
at Surface.<anonymous> (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:20054:12)
at Surface.g (http://localhost:62205/__testling?show=false:9165:16)
ok 190 should be equal
ok 191 should be equal
# Annotated Marker
ok 192 should contain the right text
ok 193 should contain the right text
# Dot
ok 194 Dot is well positioned 1
ok 195 Dot is well positioned 2
# Marker
ok 196 should be equal
ok 197 should be equal
# Segment instanciation
ok 198 should be equal
ok 199 should be equal
ok 200 should be equal
ok 201 should be equal
# Segment navigation zoom and move
ok 202 should be equal
ok 203 should be equal
ok 204 should be equal
# TraceDots
ok 205 should be equal
ok 206 should be equal
# OrthogonalData
ok 207 Correctly tranforms cols to rows
ok 208 Correctly tranforms rows to cols
# tests 208
# pass 199
# fail 9
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Actually the coverage is an old thing (there wasn't even babel at that time) that we didn't maintain since a long time. I will probably remove that in the next release.
As for the test themselves, I guess we didn't take time to maintain them as we should have... so some of them are probably outdated.
Bummer :(
This library is fantastic. Not sure people realize the wealth of information here.
I’d love to work on getting test coverage setup for more modern tools.
I really appreciate the feedback. I’ll continue to help wherever I can. On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 1:32 PM Benjamin Matuszewski <> wrote:
Actually the coverage is an old thing (there wasn't even babel at that time) that we didn't maintain since a long time. I will probably remove that in the next release.
As for the test themselves, I guess we didn't take time to maintain them as we should have... so some of them are probably outdated.
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Hey guys, I'm noticing a bunch of failing tests on
. Is this known? I was hoping to try and get a test to fail for the odd segment drag behavior I'm seeing but I'm a total newb when it comes to writing JS tests using browserify, testling, babel-tape-runner, etc.Also, I really want to be working off the
branch and the tests don't seem to be running at all??I'm seeing the following differences in the
The coverage command seems to have been killed in the develop branch. The test command in develop doesn't print anything.
Also, all the tests in the develop branch still include from the
directory which doesn't exist.import AnnotatedMarkerLayer from '../es6/helpers/annotated-marker-layer';
yarn coverage
output below