wavesoft / CCLib

An arduino library that implements the CC.Debugger protocol of TI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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СС2530 Connect problem (ChipID always 0x0) #24

Open korol-sas opened 5 years ago

korol-sas commented 5 years ago

Hi. I have a XL2530-D01 module (based CC2530 F256)

I connect the module to the Arduino as follows wiring schema

Arduino sketch default, with pins:

int CC_RST   = 5;
int CC_DC    = 4;
int CC_DD_I  = 3;
int CC_DD_O  = 2;

And i have error (no response chip) (chip id always return 0x00)

More outputs from cc_info.py

PS D:\CCLib-master\Python> python.exe .\cc_info.py -p COM7
sendFrame #1 - 240
readFrame #1 - 1
readFrame #2 - 0
readFrame #3 - 0
readFrame #return - (0x00)
sendFrame #1 - 241
readFrame #1 - 1
readFrame #2 - 0
readFrame #3 - 1
readFrame #return - (0x01)
sendFrame #1 - 3
readFrame #1 - 2
readFrame #2 - 0
readFrame #3 - 3
readFrame #return - (0x03)
ERROR: The chip is not responding. Check your connection and/or wiring!
PS D:\CCLib-master\Python>
ReDetection commented 5 years ago

I was able to do the thing using 50k and 100k resistors on DD line and 1.5k and 3k resistors on others. Please try too

ReDetection commented 5 years ago

BTW, DD is 2.1, and DC is 2.2. According to your schematics, you have it reversed

korol-sas commented 5 years ago

BTW, DD is 2.1, and DC is 2.2. According to your schematics, you have it reversed

Thank you, I will definitely check when there is free time, I will write about the results