Open JiyeonLuda opened 5 years ago
Hi, it looks like a problem with the signature of bytes attachment. Problem was with empty string. We fixed it in version 0.0.6. Try to upgrade to it. And If after that the problem will be repeated write here. We will see it. Thanks for the comment and sorry for my long reaction :)
Hi , raqeta . thanks for reply. I try new version -> implementation com.wavesplatform:android-sdk:0.0.6 (and rebuild) but it is still not working.
E/Sign: Can't create bytes for sign in Transfer Transaction com.wavesplatform.sdk.crypto.Base58$InvalidBase58 at com.wavesplatform.sdk.crypto.Base58.decode(Base58.kt:100) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.crypto.WavesCrypto$Companion.base58decode(WavesCrypto.kt:209) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.utils.SignUtil.textFromBase58(SignUtil.kt:22) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.utils.SignUtil.attachmentBytes(SignUtil.kt:46) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.model.request.node.TransferTransaction.toBytes(TransferTransaction.kt:65) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.model.request.node.BaseTransaction.getSignedBytesWithSeed(BaseTransaction.kt:97) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.model.request.node.BaseTransaction.getSignedStringWithSeed(BaseTransaction.kt:101) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.model.request.node.BaseTransaction.sign(BaseTransaction.kt:91) at com.wavesplatform.sdk.model.request.node.TransferTransaction.sign(TransferTransaction.kt:74)
I use this Library for make , Signing and sending a transaction.
But I hope to use this SDK soon.
Let me know if i need to try something more.
Could you give me data of your request?
var assetId: String
var recipient: String (address or alias)
var amount: Long
var fee: Long
var attachment: String (I guess problem is here :)
var feeAssetId: String
var type: Byte = 4
var timestamp: Long
var fee: Long
var version: Byte = 2
var proofs: MutableList
The probem is a BAD DOCUMENTATION!
in the example you have fee, but to make it work you have to ignore the fee on version 0.0.7
// Creation Transfer transaction and fill it with parameters
val transferTransaction = TransferTransaction(
assetId = WavesConstants.WAVES_ASSET_ID_EMPTY,
recipient = "3PLvKPDE4h2Tzsd94waEVFLD8tqtkiise4B",
amount = 100000000,
attachment = SignUtil.textToBase58("Tip me"),
// fee = WavesConstants.WAVES_MIN_FEE,
feeAssetId = WavesConstants.WAVES_ASSET_ID_EMPTY
I just removed the fee, has you can see and it Worked!
Please Wave team, update your Documentation...
Tip: 3PLvKPDE4h2Tzsd94waEVFLD8tqtkiise4B :smile:
hi ! I need your help. I was followed this guide :
and at step 6.Signing and sending a transaction: it wasn't working . when i trying to "transferTransaction.sign(seed = SEED)" , got error : E/Sign: Can't create bytes for sign in Transfer Transaction
How can i fix it ?