wavestone-cdt / EDRSandblast

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Open rafaelscheel opened 2 months ago

rafaelscheel commented 2 months ago

In the function getSafeVirtualProtectUsingTrampoline, the method UNHOOK_WITH_INHOUSE_NTPROTECTVIRTUALMEMORY_TRAMPOLINE creates the trampoline from function start to (function start + patchsize). This does not work, if the patch does not start at the beginning of the function. In my opinion, instead of using patchSize, "sizeFromFunctionStart" should be used. E.g. like this:

size_t sizeFromFunctionStart = (size_t)patchAddr - (size_t)mem_NtProtectVirtualMemory + patchSize;
PBYTE trampoline = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeFromFunctionStart + JUMP_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (NULL == trampoline) {
    debugf("\tError : VirtualAlloc: 0x%x\n\n", GetLastError());
DWORD oldProtect;
memcpy(trampoline, disk_NtProtectVirtualMemory, sizeFromFunctionStart);
#if _WIN64
* ((WORD*)(trampoline + sizeFromFunctionStart)) = 0x25FF; //RIP relative jmp
*((DWORD*)(trampoline + sizeFromFunctionStart + 2)) = 0x0; // [RIP + 0]
*((QWORD*)(trampoline + sizeFromFunctionStart + 2 + 4)) = (QWORD)(((BYTE*)mem_NtProtectVirtualMemory) + sizeFromFunctionStart);
* (trampoline + sizeFromFunctionStart) = 0xE9; //far JMP
*((DWORD*)(trampoline + sizeFromFunctionStart + 1)) = (DWORD)(((DWORD)mem_NtProtectVirtualMemory) + sizeFromFunctionStart - (((DWORD)trampoline) + sizeFromFunctionStart + JUMP_SIZE));
VirtualProtect(trampoline, sizeFromFunctionStart + JUMP_SIZE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oldProtect);

Did I missunderstand something? If not I will gladlay create a pull request.


themaks commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Rafael, This is correct, a wrong assumption that patchAddr==mem_NtProtectVirtualMemory was made, my bad. At first read, your approach seems sound and your code correct; have you something to test the code against? I do not really have access to EDRs anymore 😁

Thank you for your contribution !

PS: I should have commented the code 😅