wavewave / hoodle

hoodle : A pen notetaking program written in haskell
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Custom colors with keybindings #6

Closed jacobhinkle closed 10 years ago

jacobhinkle commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm really liking hoodle. One thing that would really be nice is to be able to switch colors using keys. I usually write with my right hand and leave my left near my keyboard. It'd be great to be able to hit the number keys or home row to switch colors easily. Customizing the basic colors would also be kinda nice but not strictly necessary. I am learning haskell and will fork and send a pull request when ready.

wavewave commented 10 years ago

Hi, Thanks for suggesting a UI idea. Implementation for keybinding is not so difficult I think . Nearly all the UI compoents are defined here (it's in hoodle-core package): https://github.com/wavewave/hoodle-core/blob/master/src/Hoodle/GUI/Menu.hs and you can easily customize simple thing if you want for your purpose. For official distribution, I am thinking of making theme-able or more generally customizable UI since note-taking patterns for a tablet device can be very different case by case. In the meantime, your customization is welcome, and I am pleased to add it.

wavewave commented 10 years ago

I just implemented key bindings to pen color (1,2,3,4...) and pen mode (a,b,c..). Custom palette saving is not yet implemented. That is planned to the next task.

wavewave commented 10 years ago

As part of the request implemented in current official version, I am closing this issue now and reopen custom color pallette issue.