waxlamp / nightshade

Tools for retrieving movie data from Rotten Tomatoes
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Perform search for movie title and retrieve all relevant data #2

Closed waxlamp closed 2 years ago

waxlamp commented 2 years ago

This implements a search strategy that works by performing each of the following and stopping when a result is found:

  1. Exact string match
  2. Exact token subsequence match (e.g., terminator 2 will match Terminator 2: Judgment Day)
  3. Substring match (e.g., terminator 2 will match the right movie as well as Exterminator 2)

It also provides a way to grab the Rotten Tomatoes URL from the search result, and to retrieve movie data from that URL, including: