waybyte / platform-logicrom

Wireless IoT Development Platform for 4G LTE (RDA8910, ASR1601, ASR1603), GSM (MT2503, MT6261, RDA8955) & NBIoT (MT2625) Chipsets.
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LogicRom - Arduino platform Blink example EC200U-EU #11

Closed Thieuqp closed 2 months ago

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

Dear Guys!

I've tryed test EC200U-EU module, with Arduino platform, but no thing happened when upload done and restart, pls help me this issue. Thank very much!

image image

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

We need to update Arduino documentation. Please make sure you've followed the steps mentioned: https://github.com/waybyte/platform-logicrom#get-free-personal-license

If device is already added then make sure to turn in on once (with SIM) and let it activate itself.

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago


I've inserted the simcard, and module have get an IP OK. but i'dont know how to get license ok.

And i upload code blink still no thing happended.

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

run getlic command on console

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

Dear Guys, which port? i send "getlic" but no thing to response :(

i use Arduino Platform!


ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

Port 0 to run all commands by default. If "devinfo" command shows UID value other than 100, then device is already active. try to flash your program again. You can also confirm from your account under "Devices" menu -> Action column -> view logs

Also in your application program, make sure you select STDIO port as /dev/ttyUSB0 to see console prints. By default its set to None image

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

I can't view any thing in console although choise configs as you ask.


ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

can you share current selection in Arduino IDE with screenshot? Also share device IMEI last 5 digits.

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

Dear, the last part imei: xxxx5054592045

image image

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

Device with xxxx5054592045 is already activated. Did you rebuild and flash your code after changing STDIO port?

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

i rebuild and reflash some time, but no happended in Buildin_led (GPIO_22).

below is things i receiver via serial port 2 image

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

you opened wrong port, Use an external terminal instead. Open "Unisoc Serial Port 0", which is COM32 in your case.

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

You right, i've logined, but the buildin Led (GPIO_22) do not blink.

Pls help me. image

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

Sorry, We just realized that Arduino core is not updated after changes to SDK. Its still using old core which is incompatible with SDK. We are working on Arduino update to include network related features as well. I suggest you try Logicrom SDK instead via PlatformIO.

We will update this thread once Arduino update is released.

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

Many thanks. Pls update soon!!!!

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

Sorry, We just realized that Arduino core is not updated after changes to SDK. Its still using old core which is incompatible with SDK. We are working on Arduino update to include network related features as well. I suggest you try Logicrom SDK instead via PlatformIO.

We will update this thread once Arduino update is released.

Dear Guys!!

have any update for arduino platform?

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

Update process will take some time, We have released core update (0.2.0) right now, followed by SDK, Arduino and then platform update.

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

@Thieuqp please update your setup and verify if things are working with updated Arduino framework.

Thieuqp commented 1 year ago

Thank for support, it is OK!!!!

Pls share more examples for IOT. Thánks

ajaybhargav commented 1 year ago

What examples are you looking for?