waybyte / platform-logicrom

Wireless IoT Development Platform for 4G LTE (RDA8910, ASR1601, ASR1603), GSM (MT2503, MT6261, RDA8955) & NBIoT (MT2625) Chipsets.
MIT License
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Could not found Package with ‘framework-siwisdk @ ~0.5.0’ #2

Closed makbari2020 closed 3 years ago

makbari2020 commented 3 years ago

Hi Today I multiple try to run an example of PlatformIO on VSCode but get an error:" Could not found Package with ‘framework-siwisdk @ 0.5.0 …"


Could not install platform PIO Core Call Error: "Platform Manager: Installing git+https://github.com/siwiembedded/platform-siwigsm\r\nPlatform Manager: siwigsm @ 0.4.0+sha.14a8ff9 has been installed!\r\nTool Manager: toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ 1.80201.190214 is already installed\r\nTool Manager: Installing framework-siwisdk @ ~0.5.0\r\n\n\nError: Could not find the package with 'framework-siwisdk @ ~0.5.0' requirements for your system 'windows_amd64'"


Windows : 10 VSCode : v1.48.2 PlatformIO: v1.10.2

What does this mean and how do I fix it?

ajaybhargav commented 3 years ago

I am not able to reproduce the issue. What is the PIO version? Please update PIO to latest version. 2.0.1 PIO home should show these numbers.


ajaybhargav commented 3 years ago

Can you confirm if your issue is resolved with update?

chandankmr02 commented 3 years ago

I am also facing the same issue while installing platform-siwigsm. I am using Win 10 Platform IO: Core 5.0.1 Home 3.3.0 VS Code: 1.49.1

Please help me resolve the issue.


ajaybhargav commented 3 years ago

Hi, I figured out the issue, it due to release archive name change done by github which breaks the installation. I have fixed the manifest now. Please try again and let me know. It may be possible that URL is cached so try to open URL in browser first to see if links are updated: https://siwiembedded.github.io/manifest.json

SDK link should reflect: https://siwiembedded.github.io/siwisdk-0.5.2.tar.gz

chandankmr02 commented 3 years ago

Still facing the same issue.

Check this snapshot:


ajaybhargav commented 3 years ago

Looks like platformio has made major changes in their new version. I will have to register siwigsm to PlatformIO registry to it working. Please wait until I complete the process and let you guys know once its done.

ajaybhargav commented 3 years ago

The platform version has been updated. Everything should work now. I have also submitted siwigsm to PlatformIO Platform registry, once accepted you will be able to install platform from directly within the PlatformIO IDE instead of doing advanced installation process. I will also update the docs soon.

ajaybhargav commented 3 years ago

image You can now directly install form PlatformIO IDE by searching under platform. No need to advanced installation anymore.