Open xircon opened 2 years ago
Hi, thank you for the verbose report. Would you mind expanding on what the hyper key is? I'm not particularly familiar with that.
It is an additional modifier, so I now have Super, Alt, Control and Hyper. You can use xmodmap to do this on x11, but on wayland I used this:
So in sxhkd you can use:
Press and hold caps lock - press d.
I can define hyper in my sway config and it works:
set $mod3 Mod3
# Hyper key bindings: #
bindsym $mod3+b exec --no-startup-id killall -SIGUSR1 waybar
bindsym $mod3+n exec swaync-client -t -sw
bindsym $mod3+s exec ~/.local/bin/grimm
bindsym $mod3+u exec ~/scripts/
All of which function as expected.
For a full history of additional modifiers, search for space-cadet keyboards on lisp machines (spot the emacs user :smile:).
:edit: To get caps lock, I use:
input type:keyboard {
xkb_layout "gb"
xkb_options shift:both_capslock # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Press both shifts to toggle caps lock.
OK I will get someone to look into this. I currently can't work on it due to my deteriorating health.
No problems, I completely understand, I am an old crip, easier and quicker to list what isn't wrong with me :rofl:
I was experimenting with migrating from sxhkd
, but this is a show-stopper for me. With my existing sxhkd
hyper + f
jumpapp firefox
I get:
[2022-08-19T00:09:53Z ERROR swhkd] Config Error: Error parsing config file "/etc/swhkd/swhkdrc". Unknown symbol at line 1.
99% of what I use sxhkd
for is mapping commands to hyper combinations, fwiw.
patches are always welcome
What is the difference between
hyper + f
jumpapp firefox
capslock + f
jumpapp firefox
in your case? If I understand correctly, this is exactly what you want: map the caps lock physical key to a command (which is what it means for swhkd
reads input at a lower level than X11 libraries, so your custom rebind (with xmodmap
, setxbkmap
or any other) should not impact it in any way. (please correct me if I am wrong @angelofallars @EdenQwQ @Shinyzenith)
I think you should even be able to keep your custom config in X or wayland and both swhkd
binds and your custom mappings should work together.
@ajanon -- thank you for the suggestion. With just:
capslock + f
jumpapp firefox
I just get:
[... ERROR swhkd] Config Error: Error parsing config file "/etc/swhkd/swhkdrc". Invalid modifier at line 1.
This is similar to sxhkd
, which why capslock has to be mapped to the hyper
modifier first.
Yup, caps lock is not a "modifier" I get exactly the same. You can however use the hyper modifier in sway, so that is the route I took.
swhkd reads input at a lower level than X11 libraries, so your custom rebind
@ajanon You are correct!
does that mean that there's no way to get binds with the hyper mod key working in swhkd?
I found the code to do with the "hyper" mod key, while trying to make the "alt graph" key work. It may be considered a breaking change. I've managed to get it working with the "alt gr" key so I'm assuming it would work with the "hyper" key, however I don't have a keyboard with the "hyper" key.
Also by "hyper" key I'm assuming you mean the "right logo/windows" button found on larger keyboards.
There are 2 main steps to get the hyper key working.
pub enum Modifier {
let modifiers_map: HashMap<Key, config::Modifier> = HashMap::from([
(Key::KEY_LEFTMETA, config::Modifier::Super),
(Key::KEY_RIGHTMETA, config::Modifier::Hyper),
(Key::KEY_LEFTALT, config::Modifier::Alt),
(Key::KEY_RIGHTALT, config::Modifier::Alt),
(Key::KEY_LEFTCTRL, config::Modifier::Control),
(Key::KEY_RIGHTCTRL, config::Modifier::Control),
(Key::KEY_LEFTSHIFT, config::Modifier::Shift),
(Key::KEY_RIGHTSHIFT, config::Modifier::Shift),
Again, I can't test whether this will work since I don't have that key available on my keyboard
@samsonnagamani Thanks for the patch! If anyone can test it and get it working, I'd be more than happy to merge and support this usecase.
Version Information: Linux xircon-legion 5.17.1-zen1-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:56:46 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
swhkd 1.1.7
Describe the bug: Cannot set hyper as a modifier.
Expected behavior: Have redefined caps to be a hyper modifier, works in sxhkd.
Actual behavior: Causes swhkd to not load.
To Reproduce: add a shorcut e.g. hyper+d
Additional information: Anything else you'd like us to know ?