waydroid / android_vendor_waydroid

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[BUG] persist.waydroid.fake_touch not functioning #30

Open michaelCTS opened 12 months ago

michaelCTS commented 12 months ago

Using waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.fake_touch doesn't have any effect. A mouse acts like a mouse, not like touch input.

Followed https://docs.waydro.id/usage/waydroid-prop-options#modify-app-behaviour


Steps to recreate

  1. Start waydroid
  2. Run waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.fake_touch '*'
  3. Open Browser
  4. Search for a term
  5. Try to click drag with mouse upwards :arrow_up:

Expected result

Something akin to a swipe action should occur and one should "scroll" through the results just like on a phone.

Actual result

Text gets selected or URLs get dragged around. The mouse is still recognised as a mouse.

Alternative actions

Tried restarting and using waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.fake_touch org.lineageos.jelly. Checked the value with waydroid prop get persist.waydroid.fake_touch.

No change.

system information

$ waydroid -V
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release:        12
Codename:       bookworm
$ sudo waydroid shell
:/ # getprop | grep ro.lineage                                                                                     
[ro.lineage.build.version]: [18.1]
[ro.lineage.build.version.plat.rev]: [0]
[ro.lineage.build.version.plat.sdk]: [9]
[ro.lineage.device]: [waydroid_x86_64]
[ro.lineage.display.version]: [18.1-20231202-waydroid_x86_64]
[ro.lineage.releasetype]: [GAPPS]
[ro.lineage.version]: [18.1-20231202-GAPPS-waydroid_x86_64]
[ro.lineagelegal.url]: [https://lineageos.org/legal]
theotheroracle commented 2 months ago

same result on nixos

theotheroracle commented 2 months ago

in logcat it does say "Faking touch inputs for [appid]" so it is configured correctly, whatever handles that is simply not working

nightmareci commented 1 month ago

I've also encountered fake touch issues. I have the fake touch prop set "*", so it should apply to all apps, but for me it seems to apply to some, yet not all. The most annoying instance where it's not applying for me is in Google Play, can't do swipes in parts of its interface, only have partially working input from its limited mouse support. I even tried explicitly adding Google Play to the enabled list (com.android.vending). Though, I do have a Wacom tablet connected with uevent enabled, and that does seem to function as touch input in Google Play (swiping works everywhere with the tablet); is that treated as "real touch", the fake touch stuff doesn't apply to real tablets?