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How to update Lineage OS major version image release without full re-install? #42

Closed BillFleming closed 1 year ago

BillFleming commented 1 year ago

Please provide an FAQ/guide page on the proper commands to upgrade from one major release to another (Lineage OS 17.1 to 18, etc). When I did an upgrade recently on my pinephone it failed to boot, but I don't want to have to re-install everything from scratch, and generate a new GAPPs phone ID, etc from a fresh install.

Is seedvault the recommended way of doing this? https://docs.waydro.id/faq/backup-restore-apps-and-data

Which waydroid folders (if any) need to be deleted before doing the first boot of the new installation? Is a specific init command sequence required?

I have my pinephone pro setup with a full backup (and still on lineage 17) so I can test this process out over the weekend.

An issue will come up that on many distros the images are updated from the package manager, so possibly waydroid itself needs a way to detect that you changed images from a system upgrade. Probably a separate issue will need to be created for such a feature enhancement...

aleasto commented 1 year ago

Upgrading does not require any intervention.