waydroid / waydroid

Waydroid uses a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Installing Protonvpn in waydroid with default (vanilla) image causes waydroid to get bootloop at "Phone is starting..." after rebooting/restarting waydroid. #1411

Open octal-illumination opened 1 month ago

octal-illumination commented 1 month ago

OS: gentoo-linux Arch: x86-64

I followed the doc and installed waydroid as advised, works without issue, except when i try fullscreenmode, i get padding at the bottom of the sccreen, so try waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.height_padding 0 and now the padding is gone, but the resolution is bad, so I also set waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.width_padding 0 and now everything works again without any padding in fullscreen.

I reboot/retart the doc-way multiple times, and eveything works, but when i install protonvpn, the app and waydroid works until i restart/reboot waydroid. While rebooting, it gets stuck at "Phone is starting..", then reboots back to "Phone is starting.." in a loop. I guessed it could be protonvpn, as it was the app i installed at that time. So, while still in "Phone is starting...", i try sudo waydroid shell and then find the pakage name for protonvpn using pm list packages and then pm uninstall ch.protonvpn.android, the phone boots properly after that.

I am ready to provide further information to help sort this issue. Thank you.