waylaidwanderer / FicSave

This is the repo for FicSave, an open-source online fanfiction downloader.
GNU General Public License v3.0
191 stars 44 forks source link

New Features Suggestions Thread #185

Open waylaidwanderer opened 6 years ago

waylaidwanderer commented 6 years ago

As you all know, periodically the site will have issues requiring me to restart a bunch of processes before things start working again.

I plan to fix these issues by overhauling the site backend in the future, but I'd like to add more features to the site at the same time, so your suggestions would be great!

By features I don't mean adding more supported sites, so if you'd like to recommend that I add support for a particular website, please create a new issue for that if one doesn't exist already.

This thread will be kept open for as long as I'm accepting new suggestion features, so post away!

Arw165 commented 6 years ago

Hm, I wouldn't be really a new feature, but have you considered enabling pdf downloading again?

tsutsu commented 6 years ago

How about adding support for content hosted on arbitrary blog sites, where the author has used previous and next links in each post to sequence individual blog posts into a larger work?

I see a lot of works posted to an author's Tumblr blog or Wordpress blog that use this approach. Often they're interspersed with posts that aren't chapters, but are just blog posts by the author, so you don't want to walk the whole blog, just the "chain" of posts that link to one-another with navigation links.

If you were going to implement this, I should note that to be fully general you'd have to use a heuristic to detect, for each post, what element from the page represents the content body (like "reading mode" extensions do.) This would be easier in this case, though: since the navigation links you'd be spidering would be inside the content body (since they were added as part of the post's text in the blogging engine, rather than being special metadata fields), you could probably detect the nav link elements first, and then walk upwards from them to find the nearest parent div that has a lot of text nodes or <p> element nodes as children, and just use that. (This algorithm wouldn't work in the case where a fic post is a standalone post rather than consisting of multiple chapter posts, but there are already services to convert single web-pages to an ePub/MOBI, so I think it's fine to ignore that case.)

ScottON commented 6 years ago

It would be great if you added a cover to each epub. I read them in Google Play books and right now there is no easy way to distinguish between the books. A text based cover with the name and author would be great.


studley24 commented 5 years ago

Is there a way for ficsave to track when an update of a fanfic occurs (ie a new chapter), and add it to the existing download?

Thanks in advance.

peterberbec commented 5 years ago

A Firefox addon would be amazing, especially one that added itself to the right click context menu.

ghost commented 5 years ago

HTTPS Please. If your hosting provider doesn't support it, then they are doing you a disservice. If you're self hosted, use let's encrypt.

I can see no reason to not have https, so add it to ficsave.xyz (I realise that this isn't a problem with the actual software, just the hosting on the main instance but it needs to be heard.)

vtolkov commented 4 years ago

About tracking updates: it would be a nice feature to add. What we need to do is to generate BookId using a hash of download URL or something like that instead of randomly generated uuid. And additionally set "2011-01-01T12:00:00Z" to the current download time, so the recent download overwrites previous one. It is described here: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/epub-3-best/9781449329129/ch01.html

slavalamp commented 4 years ago

Can you add fb2 (or fb2.zip) format please?