waylonflinn / weblas

GPU Powered BLAS for Browsers :gem:
MIT License
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full tutorial ? #48

Closed extremety1989 closed 3 years ago

extremety1989 commented 5 years ago

Hey, i want to build reinforcement ml, i already have basics on javascript,

how can i implement with you librairy ?

feedforward -> dot product ( inputs weights of input to hidden ) && dot product ( hidden weights of hidden to output ) is it possible to generate random float numbers in glsl between -1 and 1 ?(like 0.4884484844, -0.848484848 etc..) ?

waylonflinn commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. We definitely need a tutorial. I'm working on a set of videos and written explanation to go along with them.

Regarding your specific question, you can find an example of a similar operation in the webnn code.

Here's a link to the line implementing the matrix multiply: https://github.com/waylonflinn/webnn/blob/master/lib/neuron.js#L57