Open ptr-br opened 2 years ago
Hi, thanks for your interest for the dataset!
There is correspondence between 2D and 3D key points by their type (except FOREHEAD and CENTER_HEAD points). You are right, 3D key points were obtained by labeling laser point clouds, while 2D key points were independently obtained by labeling camera images. So laser and camera key points for the same object may have different types key points labeled and when you project 3D key points to camera even the same type 2D key points will likely not match the projections. There are two main reasons for the mismatch: a) they are independently labeled b) laser points were captured at a slightly different time compared to when camera pixels were exposed. So moving objects will likely have large difference between 2D labels and projected 3D labels.
Laser and camera key points are published only for some objects on some frames. There are ~10K object/frames with laser key points and ~200K object/frames with camera key points. There is no strict rule when both are labeled, but most of object/frames which have 3D key points should have 2D key points as well.
We recently fixed one issue related to synchronization between laser and right side camera, so please make sure you use the v1.3.2 release. But even with this fix there will be discrepancies between camera and projected laser points (see 1.b) above) - camera and laser should match perfectly in the center column of a camera image, discrepancy will be larger for columns which are further away from the center and fast moving objects.
We will investigate the mismatch between point cloud image projection and camera projection stored in tfr-file ("gt") and update the mentioned issues.
I'm closing this issue for now, please feel free to reopen if you have any further questions.
@ptr-br, btw, can you please share context name and frame.timestamp_micros for the example you shared? @
Hey @alexgorban,
thank you for the quick and informative reply!
For the above example: context name: 5847910688643719375_180_000_200_000 timestamp micros: 1548722497947691
From my experience, only a little more then half the 3D keypoints also have 2D labels (~5.5k). I noticed that the image height is 886 pixels, although the paper mentions that the camera resolution for the side cameras should be 1920x1040. Is there any reason for the difference?
Heres is also some code to reproduce my results.
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import io
import PIL
from import py_camera_model_ops
from waymo_open_dataset.utils import frame_utils
from waymo_open_dataset import dataset_pb2
from waymo_open_dataset.utils import keypoint_data
from waymo_open_dataset.protos import keypoint_pb2
from waymo_open_dataset.utils import keypoint_draw
# some functions
def _imshow(ax: plt.Axes, image_np: np.ndarray):
def _imdecode(buf: bytes) -> np.ndarray:
with io.BytesIO(buf) as fd:
pil =
return np.array(pil)
def plot_points_on_image(projected_points, camera_image, rgba_func,
"""Plots points on a camera image.
projected_points: [N, 3] numpy array. The inner dims are
[camera_x, camera_y, range].
camera_image: jpeg encoded camera image.
rgba_func: a function that generates a color from a range value.
point_size: the point size.
img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(camera_image.image)
height, width, _ = img.shape
print(f'Image height: {height}')
print(f'Image width: {width}')
xs = []
ys = []
colors = []
for point in projected_points:
if 0 <= point[0] <= width and 0 <= point[1] <= height:
xs.append(point[0]) # width, col
ys.append(point[1]) # height, row
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c=colors, s=point_size, edgecolors="none")
def plot_image(camera_image):
"""Plot a cmaera image."""
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12))
def rgba(r):
"""Generates a color based on range.
r: the range value of a given point.
The color for a given range
c = plt.get_cmap('jet')((r % 20.0) / 20.0)
c = list(c)
c[-1] = 0.5 # alpha
return c
if __name__ == "__main__":
# segment from validation data
tfr_path = "segment-5847910688643719375_180_000_200_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord"
cam = 4
frame_number = 108
obj_id = "wq6ur5wzmxZCabo21Ke0xQ"
# get data and labels
dataset =, compression_type='')
frame_counter = 0
for data in dataset:
if frame_counter == int(frame_number):
frame = dataset_pb2.Frame()
frame_counter += 1
print(f"Context name:{}")
print(f"Frame timestamp micros: {frame.timestamp_micros}")
camera_image_by_name = { i.image for i in frame.images}
image_np = _imdecode(camera_image_by_name[cam])
tfr_labels = keypoint_data.group_object_labels(frame)
obj_labels = tfr_labels[obj_id]
# project 3D keypoints and lidar point cloud to image
range_images, camera_projections, seg_labels, range_image_top_pose = frame_utils.parse_range_image_and_camera_projection(frame)
points, cp_points = frame_utils.convert_range_image_to_point_cloud(
points_all = np.concatenate(points, axis=0)
image = next(im for im in frame.images if == cam)
pose_tf = tf.reshape(tf.constant(frame.pose.transform), [4, 4])
points_world = tf.einsum('ij,nj->ni', pose_tf[:3, :3], points_all) + pose_tf[:3, 3]
cam_calib = next(c for c in frame.context.camera_calibrations if == cam)
extrinsic = tf.reshape(tf.constant(cam_calib.extrinsic.transform), [4, 4])
intrinsic = tf.constant(cam_calib.intrinsic)
metadata = tf.constant([cam_calib.width, cam_calib.height, cam_calib.rolling_shutter_direction], dtype=tf.int32)
camera_image_metadata = tf.constant([
image.velocity.v_x, image.velocity.v_y, image.velocity.v_z,
image.velocity.w_x, image.velocity.w_y, image.velocity.w_z,
], dtype=tf.float32)
types = []
keypoints = []
ocllusions = []
for elm in obj_labels.laser.keypoints.keypoint:
keypoints = tf.constant(keypoints)
keypoints_world = tf.einsum('ij,nj->ni', pose_tf[:3, :3], keypoints) + pose_tf[:3, 3]
cp_keypoints = py_camera_model_ops.world_to_image(extrinsic, intrinsic, metadata, camera_image_metadata, keypoints_world)
tf_keypoints = []
for index, kp in enumerate(cp_keypoints):
cam_keypoint = keypoint_pb2.CameraKeypoint()
cam_keypoint.type = types[index]
cam_keypoint.keypoint_2d.location_px.x = kp[0]
cam_keypoint.keypoint_2d.location_px.y = kp[1]
cam_keypoint.keypoint_2d.visibility.is_occluded = ocllusions[index]
camera_wireframe = keypoint_draw.build_camera_wireframe(
keypoint_draw.OCCLUDED_BORDER_WIDTH = 3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(frameon=False, figsize=(25, 25))
keypoint_draw.draw_camera_wireframe(ax, camera_wireframe)
_imshow(ax, image_np)
fig.savefig("keypoint_projection", dpi=500)
# lidar projections to image
cp_points_all = py_camera_model_ops.world_to_image(extrinsic, intrinsic, metadata, camera_image_metadata, points_world)
distance = tf.norm(points_all, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
mask = tf.equal(cp_points_all[..., -1], 1)
distance = tf.cast(tf.gather_nd(distance, tf.where(mask)), dtype=tf.float64)
valid_points = tf.cast(tf.gather_nd(cp_points_all, tf.where(mask)), dtype=tf.float64)[:,:2]
valid_points = tf.concat([valid_points, distance], axis=-1)
image, rgba, point_size=5.0)
plt.savefig('lidar_projections', dpi=500)
Actually, I'm not able to re-open my own issues if a repo collaborator closed it.
Thank you for all the details and code snippet. I'll need to further investigate this issue.
I can not find the py_camera_model_ops in version 1.5.2
Hi waymo research,
I have some questions regarding the keypoint data published with the latest releases.
If some example code is needed, I can post it here, however, it's quite similar to the one in the issues above...
Example of a pedestrian: Note: Both the LiDAR point cloud and the keypoints seem to be slightly shifted to the left after projection.
3D keypoints to image projection
Point cloud image projection
Camera projection stored in tfr-file ("gt")