waymo-research / waymo-open-dataset

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Some questions about the format(tfrecord) of the data #825

Closed Jaywxy closed 1 month ago

Jaywxy commented 1 month ago

My task is point cloud semantic segmentation, I only need point cloud data, I want to use the V2.0.1 dataset, I get all the data named with lidar, do I need to download other data?Another problem is that the tutorial_3d_semseg.ipynb in the tutorial doesn't seem to work, because the prompt needs a tfrecord file, but I found that the 2.0.1 version of the data does not have this file, and all are files of another formatWhat should I do? Hope to get some advice, thanks

JingweiJ commented 1 month ago

Hi @Jaywxy ,

For point cloud semseg, you'll need lidar_calibration, lidar_segmentation, lidar_pose, lidar, vehicle_pose minimally. You can convert LiDAR range image to 3D point cloud using this function in v2/perception/utils/lidar_utils.py and convert the corresponding segmentation labels as in this answer.

Jaywxy commented 1 month ago

Hi @Jaywxy ,

For point cloud semseg, you'll need lidar_calibration, lidar_segmentation, lidar_pose, lidar, vehicle_pose minimally. You can convert LiDAR range image to 3D point cloud using this function in v2/perception/utils/lidar_utils.py and convert the corresponding segmentation labels as in this answer.

thank you for your reply!